dictionary_shutterstock_45765181For this week’s challenge, you’ll need a dictionary. Don’t worry if you don’t have one at home, you can use of the dictionaries in class if needed.

The task is to flick through the dictionary and put your finger on a word ANYWHERE in the dictionary. Repeat this 3 times. For example:

fish          brown             church


Then, you have to use these words in a piece of writing which is NO MORE than 49 words. For example:

Ian was sat in church as usual on a sunday, in his best brown suit. He sat, daydreaming about being allowed to go fishing with his friends on such a wonderful, sunny day.

Tip: you can add suffixes or prefixes to the words too!

Well done to Rory for winning the 3 part challenge over half term, he takes home the trophy this week!


Mr Lyons



Mr Hurst had some mysterious news for us today. He discovered a mysterious pile of what look like eggs or pods next to part of what seems to be some form of aircraft. We have come to the conclusion that they may have come from the asteroid which came close to Earth a few days ago!

We have interviewed Mr Hurst about his discovery and have decided to write our newspaper reports about it in the next few weeks. What could have been inside those eggs? Is there something lurking in the bushes from the hatched egg? Why are they here? What is the red slime that was also spotted at the scene? It’s all very mysterious!


Mr Lyons


easter challenge

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re having a nice break! I have set you 3 challenges to complete on the blog over the Easter holidays along with the reading of your school reading books at home and completing any Mathletics tasks set for you. I hope you have fun doing them! You will see the 5 challenges below this blog post. Let me know which challenge you enjoyed the most!

See you soon!

Mr Lyons



Write a story opening about a disastrous trip to the zoo. Use as many super sentences as you possibly can! O(I) sentences and de:de sentneces are perfect for this task! Do not tell the reader what is happening, make them guess from what you are showing them in your writing by using the show me style writing we have discussed in our narrative poems. For example, instead of saying ‘the boy was angry’, you might write ‘he clenched his fists and his face turned as red as a traffic light’.


de de

We will be looking at a new type of super sentence this week, and it will make extra good use of all of our work we have recently completed on colons!


This week’s challenge has 3 steps (Use the picture above to help if needed):

1) Convert the following sentence into a de:de sentence by adding on the extra information.

Craig has always been a great friend:

2) Write a de:de sentence of your own about anyone, or anything!

3) Turn yourself into a teacher by teaching someone at home how to write a de:de sentence. Then, when you think they are as brilliant at using them in their writing as your are. Write down their example of a de:de sentence.


Have fun! I can’t wait to see all of your ideas!

Mr Lyons