World book day


Wow, well what a jam packed day we had for World Book Day! We transformed our classroom into Hogwarts, finding out which house the sorting hat had decided we were in, making potions, having a negative number cauldron lesson with Professor Snape and used chalk to create spooky pictures of Hogwarts at night. We hoped to play Quidditch at the end of the day, but we simply ran out of time!

However, we managed to squeeze a few games in during P.E and golden time the next day. I want to know though, which was your favourite part of the day?


Mr Lyons

Roald Dahl fun


We had lots of fun travelling through a range of Roald Dahl books, using our imaginations to meet many different characters and improving our ball skills, balancing skills and awareness when moving to each new land. It was tricky but lots of fun! Which skill was your favourite? Have you practiced any at home?


Mr Lyons


After reading the first 3 pages of the chapter and then answer the following questions in a comment! Click on the cover to see the book!

worst witch

1) What is the name of the school?

2) Describe the school.

3) Describe the school uniform.

4) Do you think it was a nice school to go to? Why?

5) What is different to this school than Woodfield?

6) Who is the main character of the story?

7) Is she a good school pupil or not? How do you know?


Have fun!

Mr Lyons


Part of our Maths lesson today is to have a go at playing alien angles. You need to apply your understanding of angles to estimate the sizes to save the aliens! Click on the alien to play the game.



Hi everyone, this week’s comprehension task is on Gangsta Granny. Click on the book cover to read the first chapter then answer the following questions:



1. Why doesn’t Ben like going to Granny’s?

2. What game does Granny like to play?

3.  What is Mum and Dad’s favourite TV programme?

4.  Find the adjectives which are used to describe Flavio Flavioli

5.  Why do Ben’s parents want him to stop thinking about becoming a plumber?

6. Where does Ben’s mum work?

7. What was the best thing to happen in Dad’s career so far?

8.  What street does Granny live on?

9. Why do you think the author decided to call the street this?

10. List 5 adjectives to describe Granny.



Good luck! 

Mr Lyons



I hope you all enjoyed playing the trapped game last week, all about conjunctions. This week’s Trapped game is all about using correct punctuation. Have fun playing the games and leave a comment again to say that you have played! (Just click on the picture of the Trapped logo to see the game!)


Mr Lyons



Well done everyone who managed to read Double Act last week and write your answers in the comments, even Mrs Charnley was very impressed!

This week, your task is to read Chapter 1 of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone and answer the following questions about it. Simply click on the book cover and it well take you to the book!

(Don’t worry if you like the book so much that you want to carry on reading, we have copies for you to loan from the library!)

Leave your answers again in a comment:

1. What is the name of this chapter?

2. Where does Uncle Vernon work?

3. What is the black cat reading?

4. What is the black cat’s full name?

5. Who is the old man, who meets the cat at the end of the chapter?

6. Who was the BIG man?

7. Why did Hagrid cry when he left Harry on the doorstep?

8.  What does Dumbledor use to put out the lights?

9. What name does Uncle Vernon over hear?

10. What is the name of the street where Harry is left?


Good luck!

Mr Lyons


Your maths homework from the blog this week is to watch the video about dividing fractions by Flocabulary, then explain to someone at home how to do it! Leave a comment to say you have seen it and how your family member/ friend got on when you taught them how to divide fractions!

Was your teaching so good that they could they answer this question?


Mr Lyons

Austin’s feel good flapjacks!


Check out Austin’s interactive homework video on how to make some ‘Feel Good Flapjacks!’ He chose the ‘masterchef’ homework, which was to make a meal which was fit for a hiker climbing the toughest of mountains.

They look scrumptious Austin! I can’t wait to follow your recipe! Maybe you could try making them at home too. Do you like Austin’s video? Leave a comment to let him know.


Mr Lyons