
For your homework this weekend, click on the book cover to be taken to the e-book and read pages 1-5  and answer the following questions in a comment!

1. What are the names of the twins?

2. Can you list any differences between Ruby and Garnet?

3.  What are Ruby’s ‘special weakness’?

4. Who came first at sports day?

5. Who is the eldest twin?

6.  Why aren’t Dad’s eyes always open properly?

7. Who made all of the twins clothes?

8. Would you be friends with the twins? Why or why not?

9.  Why were the twins a ‘laughing stock’ at school?

10. What does laughing stock mean?


I can’t wait to see your answers!

Mr Lyons

SPAG task


Today’s SPaG task is to have a go at playing the trapped game all about correct puntuation (how fun!). Just simply click on the picture to play!

Once you have completed both games, please leave a comment to show it has been completed! We will go through the game next week!


P.S you will need a laptop/ computer to play this game. It won’t work on ipads- sorry!


Have fun!

Mr Lyons




What a fantastic week we have had in school! We have started to practice our Christmas production (Babushka) and enjoyed continuing our Poetry unit, all about Free Verse poems. We all think that Michael Rosen is a fantastic performer!

Well done to Amelia for winning Star of the Week this week. She has been fantastic with her time skills in Maths and has been a kind and considerate partner this week, encouraging others who found work tough!

Also well done to Brazil who won table of the week BY JUST ONE POINT! Uruguay came a very very close second and were very unlucky not to win the award this week!

Good luck to everyone during Assessment week next week. I know you’ll be brilliant and do yourselves proud!


Mr Lyons

Perfect poems


Here is this week’s blogging challenge:

Write a poem, any style you wish about the picture above.

However there are some rules. You are not allowed to use the word… THE!

Try using features such as alliteration, metaphors and similes as well as lots of adjectives to make your poem more appealing!

Congratulations to Ben for winning last weeks challenge to tweet about his hero!


Mr Lyons

Star storymaker


Congratulations to Caitlin for her amazing entry into the grand arcade short story competition, where she won a brand new kindle for finishing in first place!!


Congratulations Caitlin! We’re all very proud of you!


Image result for superman

Your homework this weekend is quite difficult! People who use Twitter, like our school Twitter account, can only ever use 140 characters per tweet, so they have to be very precise in their writing.  Your ‘tweet’ needs to tell everyone who your hero is and as much about them as you can in just in 140 characters. It is a lot harder than it seems! In your tweet you must include:

1. A comma

2. An adverb

3. An apostrophe for possession

Remember – spaces and punctuation marks count  as characters.

Here is an example of my tweet about my hero:


‘Sean O’loughlin. He’s Wigan’s captain. He is immensely strong, a leader .He always tries his best and never gives in. He’s a born winner.’

I’m looking forward to your tweets! I wonder who will take the trophy home this week?

Mr Lyons