If, If, If, then sentences!

if if then

Have a go at writing an ‘if, if, if, then’ sentence in a post about the picture below, well done to Lucy for winning last weeks challenge with De;de sentences! I wonder who will take home the trophy this time?



Mr Lyons

10 thoughts on “If, If, If, then sentences!”

  1. If he hadn’t asked him to help, if he had only done it himself, if he had only used the correct tool, then his dad’s drawers wouldn’t have collapsed.

  2. If I hadn’t seen the spider, If my room was tidy, If my clothes weren’t on the floor then I wouldn’t have screamed like a little girl AND got told off by my grumpy mum AND fell over straight onto my face[BUSTED]!!!

  3. If, had listened to his parents,
    if, he hdidnt lie about it being a 12,
    If he didn’t watch the horror movie.
    Then he wouldn’t have had the horrible, despicable nightmare!

  4. If he hadn’t gone out , if he hadn’t been dared ,if he hadn’t jumped
    over the fence ,then his trousers wouldn’t be ripped

  5. If the bus hadn’t been late, if he hadn’t stopped at the shop for sweets, if he hadn’t slept at his friends then he wouldn’t have been late for school and failed his math test.

  6. If I hadn’t eaten that Apple, if I hadn’t bitten it so hard, if I hadn’t taken a giant gulp, then I wouldn’t have swallowed my tooth!

  7. If, the boy hadn’t slept in , If the boy’s bus wasn’t late , If the boy had practiced for his sats exam over the easter holiday , Then the boy wouldn’t have found himself struggling on the first easy question and failed his exam.

  8. If he had listened to his to his mum, if he had done as he was told, if he wasn’t late for class, then he wouldn’t have got his 4th late mark of the week and missed all his break time.

  9. If the boy hadn’t of left his parents side, if the boy had not of gone out the park on his own, if he didnt wonder into the abandoned house, then he wouldn’t of bin kidnapped!

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