Mini Ancient Greek Olympics

Watch the video here:

Year 3 had a fantastic time at our Ancient Greek Olympics.  We dressed up in our chitons, although the original competitors competed naked.  We didn’t think Mrs Charnley would be happy with that!  We had competitors from three Greek polis – Athens, Sparta and Corinth.  We had five events – sprint, javelin, discus (bean bag throw), long jump and chariot (wheelbarrow!) race.  Everyone tried really hard and had a lot of fun too.  We had a sacred truce for the event which meant that we weren’t allowed to fight with our enemies.  These were the results:

Gold Medal – Corinth

Silver Medal – Athens

Bronze Medal – Sparta

Everyone demonstrated a fantastic attitude and were very supportive of each other.  Well done Year 3!


Moving Monsters

We completed our Design Technology topic on moving monsters.  The children used their own pneumatic system to make a moving part on their monster.  There are some very creative children in Year 3!

summer 117
Inflatable ears!
summer 112
Watch my stomach grow!
summer 101
Blowing bubblegum!

summer 085 summer 088 summer 090