All posts by Mrs Barry

Half term highlights!

I can’t believe the first half term is over already, it has gone so fast! Time flies when you’re having fun. You have all had a fantastic first half term in year four and I hope you are all enjoying it so far. What has been your half term highlight? Write it in a comment on this post and don’t forget to include your name. I think mine was the poetry lessons we have had – your poetry writing skills have amazed me! I hope you all have a lovely, well deserved, holiday. I can’t wait to see you all for the next half term.

Mrs Barry

Let’s get moving!

Year four had lots of fun on Tuesday working with some physiotherapy students from UCLAN. They learnt all about how bones and muscles (including the heart) help us to get moving! Here are some pictures of some of the fantastic activities we did:image


Year four,

This week you have been given new places to sit in the afternoons and you chose your own table names from the theme ‘sporting heroes’. Our new table names are: Cristiano Ronaldo; Lionel Messi; Mo Farah; and Usain Bolt. Some of you didn’t know who Mo Farah was,  so for this week’s homework can you find three facts about the sporting hero for the table you sit on? Post your answers in a comment by clicking on ‘leave a comment’. Don’t forget to put your name at the end so I know who has written it. Good luck, I can’t wait to read your comments,

Mrs Barry


In English year four have been learning about how to create imagery in poetry writing using similes, metaphors and personification. Today they created images of clouds and we collected our ideas to create this amazing poem:

Clouds are not
big, fluffy polar bears stuck in the sky.

Neither are they
poodles floating across the atmosphere.

They’re not even
white shape shifters running through the air.

Clouds are clouds.

The fog in the air,
a raining sprinkler,
the guardians of the sun,
the precious things which produce snow, hail, thunder and lightening,
the balls full of H20.

This is amazing year four! I am so proud of you all.

Mrs Barry



We had lots of fun in the woodland area searching for invertebrates. Back in class we used our findings to write fact files for the invertebrates we found. Well done year four, your science work really impressed me!

Mrs Barry

Internet Safety

Today in year four we have been learning about how to stay safe online. The children watched a video and then made some excellent suggestions about how we could keep ourselves, and our personal information, safe. Here are their ideas:

  • Always ask Mum or Dad for permission to go online and to help you set up any accounts online.
  • Keep private information private. Don’t post private information about yourself online (email address, home address, school, where you are at certain times, phone number, date of birth, age).
  • Use security settings to permit only your real friends to look at your online profile.
  • Think carefully about the photographs you put online (e.g. your school uniform tells people which school you go to).
  • Make sure you have permission to put other people’s photographs online.
  • Reject any requests from people you don’t know.
  • Remember that people might not be telling the truth when they are talking to you online (e.g. saying they are younger than they are).
  • Show parents any messages which you think are strange or make you feel uncomfortable in any way.
  • Report anything that you think is inappropriate, with help from Mum or Dad.