easter challenge

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re having a nice break! I have set you 3 challenges to complete on the blog over the Easter holidays along with the reading of your school reading books at home and completing any Mathletics tasks set for you. I hope you have fun doing them! You will see the 5 challenges below this blog post. Let me know which challenge you enjoyed the most!

See you soon!

Mr Lyons



Write a story opening about a disastrous trip to the zoo. Use as many super sentences as you possibly can! O(I) sentences and de:de sentneces are perfect for this task! Do not tell the reader what is happening, make them guess from what you are showing them in your writing by using the show me style writing we have discussed in our narrative poems. For example, instead of saying ‘the boy was angry’, you might write ‘he clenched his fists and his face turned as red as a traffic light’.


de de

We will be looking at a new type of super sentence this week, and it will make extra good use of all of our work we have recently completed on colons!


This week’s challenge has 3 steps (Use the picture above to help if needed):

1) Convert the following sentence into a de:de sentence by adding on the extra information.

Craig has always been a great friend:

2) Write a de:de sentence of your own about anyone, or anything!

3) Turn yourself into a teacher by teaching someone at home how to write a de:de sentence. Then, when you think they are as brilliant at using them in their writing as your are. Write down their example of a de:de sentence.


Have fun! I can’t wait to see all of your ideas!

Mr Lyons

World book day


Wow, well what a jam packed day we had for World Book Day! We transformed our classroom into Hogwarts, finding out which house the sorting hat had decided we were in, making potions, having a negative number cauldron lesson with Professor Snape and used chalk to create spooky pictures of Hogwarts at night. We hoped to play Quidditch at the end of the day, but we simply ran out of time!

However, we managed to squeeze a few games in during P.E and golden time the next day. I want to know though, which was your favourite part of the day?


Mr Lyons

Roald Dahl fun


We had lots of fun travelling through a range of Roald Dahl books, using our imaginations to meet many different characters and improving our ball skills, balancing skills and awareness when moving to each new land. It was tricky but lots of fun! Which skill was your favourite? Have you practiced any at home?


Mr Lyons